At Easy Sushi, the sea is never far away. It would be a shame not to enjoy it with our beautiful platters of raw, tender and melting fish. Salmon, tuna, or both! But the ultimate tasting is our marinated sashimi, a slight heresy for local purists, but a treat for everyone.
Salmon sashimi
6 pieces 8.30 €
15 pieces 16.90 €
15 pieces 16.90 €
Marinated salmon sashimis
6 pieces 9.10 €
15 pieces 18.30 €
15 pieces 18.30 €
TUNA Sashimi
6 pieces 8.60 €
15 pieces 17.30 €
15 pieces 17.30 €
Marinated tuna sashimi
6 pieces 9.50 €
15 pieces 18.70 €
15 pieces 18.70 €
Mixed sashimi
6 pieces (3 salmon + 3 tuna) 8.50 €
15 pieces (8 salmon + 7 tuna) 18.20 €
15 pieces (8 salmon + 7 tuna) 18.20 €
Marinated mixed sashimis
6 pieces (3 salmon + 3 tuna) 9.30 €
15 pieces (8 salmon + 7 tuna) 18.70 €
15 pieces (8 salmon + 7 tuna) 18.70 €
Since it seems that wealth is often found in diversity, at Easy Sushi , for everyone's delicacy, we have concocted a selection of sushi, makis, californias or even salmon roll...
A great opportunity to share a moment of generosity and indulgence while enjoying an Easy Suhi Box with friends, with your family or simply one-on-one.
A great opportunity to share a moment of generosity and indulgence while enjoying an Easy Suhi Box with friends, with your family or simply one-on-one.